SNVPhyl Release

This document describes how to update and release new versions of the SNVPhyl pipeline. This can be accomplished, briefly, by the following steps.

  1. Package SNVPhyl
    1. Update version in tool_dependencies.xml and .shed.yml.
    2. Create new repository with Planemo: planemo shed_create --shed_target http://localhost:9009 --shed_key KEY -m 'update to 1.5' tools/package_snvphyl
  2. SNVPhyl Tools
    1. Update version numbers for each tool, in particular the tools/snvphyl-tools.
    2. Run ./scripts/ shed_update --shed_target http://localhost:9009 --shed_key KEY --message 'update'.
  3. SNVPhyl Tool Suite
    1. Update tool suite version number.
    2. Install with planemo shed_create --shed_target http://localhost:9009 --shed_key KEY -m 'update to 0.3' tools/suite_snvphyl.
  4. SNVPhyl Workflow
    1. Create new directory for workflow and update version numbers for each tool.
    2. Update repository information.
  5. Virtual Environments
    1. Build VirtualBox and Docker virtual machines.
  6. Update Documentation
    1. Update any documentation to reflect newer workflow.

1. Package SNVPhyl

The tools/package_snvphyl defines a dependency package within Galaxy which wraps around the scripts and other software within the snvphyl-tools project. This is linked to a specific git commit within the snvphyl-tools project. Each new release must go into a separate Galaxy repository named based on the version number. For example, version 1.5 should go under the Galaxy repository package_snvphyl_1_5. This can be accomplished in the following way:

  1. Modify package_snvphyl/tool_dependencies.xml and update the version number.

    <package name="snvphyl" version="1.5">
  2. Modify package_snvphyl/.shed.yml and update the name.

    name: package_snvphyl_1_5
  3. Install package_snvphyl to new repository in a Galaxy toolshed.

    planemo shed_create --shed_target http://localhost:9009 --shed_key KEY -m 'update to 1.5'  tools/package_snvphyl

2. SNVPhyl Tools

The SNVPhyl Tools include any dependency tools within Galaxy needed to run SNVPhyl. These are all located within the tools/ directory. This includes capsules, exported tools from the main Galaxy toolshed, and other tools developed specifically for SNVPhyl.

Update Versions

Any modification to these tools should also include an update of the version number within the tool. For example:

<tool id="smalt_map" name="smalt map" version="1.0.1">

A particular case of version numbers are the tools under tools/snvphyl-tools. Each of these tools depends on package_snvphyl described above and should be updated and given a version number accordingly. For example, for the tool find_repeats the updates would be:

  1. Update tool_dependencies.xml to depend on newer package_snvphyl.

    <package name="snvphyl" version="1.5">
        <repository  name="package_snvphyl_1_5" owner="nml"  />
  2. Update find-repeats.xml to depend on newer package_snvphyl.

    <tool id="findrepeat" name="Find Repeats" version ="1.5.0">
    <requirement type="package" version="1.5">snvphyl</requirement>

Note that the version for package_snvphyl 1.5 should correspond to the version for findrepeat 1.5.0. Minor updates to findrepeat should update the last version number (e.g. 1.5.1).

Install Updated Tools

Updated tools can all be installed using the planemo shed_update command. A script has been setup to help automate this process. This can be run with:

./scripts/ shed_update --shed_target http://localhost:9009 --shed_key KEY --message 'update'

3. SNVPhyl Tool Suite

The SNVPhyl Tool Suite is located in tools/suite_snvphyl and links together all the dependency tools for SNVPhyl into one installable package in Galaxy. Each new version must be installed to a separate repository in a Galaxy Toolshed with the version number in the name (e.g. suite_snvphyl_0_3_0). This can be accomplished by:

  1. Make sure previous steps for upgrading all tools have been completed.
  2. Change the name in the suite_snvphyl/.shed.yml file to reflect the new name.

    name: suite_snvphyl_0_3_0
  3. Use Planemo to create a new repository.

    planemo shed_create --shed_target http://localhost:9009 --shed_key KEY -m 'update to 0.3'  tools/suite_snvphyl

This will link up all the most recent versions of the tools into the suite_snvphyl_0_3_0 repository. If something goes wrong, newer updates can be uploaded manully and the most recent version will be used.

4. SNVPhyl Workflow

The SNVPhyl workflows for each version of the pipeline are located within docs/workflows/SNVPhyl. A new directory should be created for the updated version and newer *.ga workflow files along with the repository_dependencies.xml should be copied over. For example:

mkdir 0.3
cp 0.2/*.ga 0.3/
cp 0.2/repository_dependencies.xml 0.3/

Each of the tools in the previous version of the workflow file should be updated in the *.ga file. For example:

"tool_id": ""
"tool_version": "1.5.0"

If any parameters have changed then the workflow may need to be re-loaded into a Galaxy instance and re-constructed.

The constructed workflows should be, at the minimum, tested on the data under docs/workflows/SNVPhyl/test.

In addition, the repository_dependencies.xml file will need to be updated to point to the newly installed suite_snvphyl_x_y_z. For example:

<repository toolshed="" name="suite_snvphyl_0_3_0" owner="nml" changeset_revision="99463e5aef1b" />

5. Virtual Environments

There are two virtual environments that are being distributed, Virtual Box and Docker. These can be re-constructed as follows.

Virtual Box

Constructing a VM

The Virtual Box virtual machine is constructed using Packer in the directory packer/. Before constructing the latest virtual machine, the script packer/scripts/ will need to be modified to load up the latest workflow directory. For example:

python --workflows-dir workflows/SNVPhyl/0.3/ ...

Once this is done, the virtual machine can be constructed with:

packer build -only=virtualbox-iso snvphyl-galaxy.json

After construction the virtual machine should be tested out to make sure all tools within Galaxy are loaded up.

Updating VM

Once the virtual machine is constructed, it should be copied over to /Warehouse/Applications/irida/snvphyl-galaxy/ and the file vagrant/Vagrantfile should be updated to reflect the changes.


The Docker image is constructed using Docker within the directory docker/. To build an updated Docker image, the following steps should be used:

  1. Copy latest workflow files to docker/galaxy/

    cp ../../docs/workflows/SNVPhyl/0.3/*.ga galaxy/
  2. Modify the Dockerfile to install the newer workflows/tools

    ADD ./galaxy/ /tmp/
    RUN install-repository \
        "-r 99463e5aef1b --url -o nml --name suite_snvphyl_0_3_0 --panel-section-id SNVPhyl" && \
        install-workflow \
        "/tmp/" "/tmp/"
  3. Re-build Docker image

    sudo docker build -t apetkau/snvphyl-galaxy-0.3

Once the Docker image is build it can be pushed to

6. Update Documentation

Once the workflow is updated, the documentation, under the docs/ directory should be updated to reflect any changes.